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Conference and Workshop Papers
D.R. Posircaru , L.D. Serbanati, Integrating legacy medical applications in a standardized Electronic Health Record platform, in Procs. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2015, Nov. 2015, Iasi, Romania, ISBN 978-1-4673-7544-3, DOI 10.1109/EHB.2015.7391401, IEEE Publ.
M. Isaroiu , L.D. Serbanati, Comparison of result differences in multiple implementations of a stochastic motif finding algorithm, in Procs. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2015, Nov. 2015, Iasi, Romania, ISBN 978-1-4673-7544-3, DOI 10.1109/EHB.2015.7391409, IEEE Publ.
S. La Iacona, C. Militello , L.D. Serbanati, M.A. Mastratisi , F.L. Ricci , M.C. Gilardi , Personal Health System-A Tool to Support the Patient Empowerment, in Procs. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2015, Nov. 2015, Iasi, Romania, ISBN 978-1-4673-7544-3, DOI 10.1109/EHB.2015.7391370, IEEE Publ.
C. Militello , S. La Iacona, L.D. Serbanati , F.L. Ricci , M.C. Gilardi , A Virtual Health Record-based EHR System, in Procs. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2015, Nov. 2015, Iasi, Romania, ISBN 978-1-4673-7544-3, DOI 10.1109/EHB.2015.7391425, IEEE Publ.
R, Iancu, L.D. Serbanati, C. Chera ,I.D. Gheorghe-Pop , B. Ertl, An E-health Approach for Remote Cardiac Rehabilitation , in Procs. of the 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, CSCS 20, May 2015, Bucharest, Romania, pp.205-210, ISBN: 978-1-4799-1779-2, DOI: 10.1109/CSCS.2015.137, IEEE Publ.
L.D. Serbanati, F.L. Ricci , EHR-Centric Integration of Health Information Systems, in Procs of the 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2013, 21-23 November 2013, Iasi, Romania, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2372-4, DOI: 10.1109/EHB.2013.6707419, IEEE Publ.
L.D. Serbanati , S. Radu, Paradigm Shifts in Health Informatics, in HEALTHINF 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pag. 256-262, Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 February, 2013. SciTePress, ISBN 978-989-8565-37-2.
B. Nita , L.D. Serbanati , Using the Surrounding WEB Content of Pictures to Generate Candidates for Photo Annotation, in Procs of CSCS' 19, the 19th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, 29-31 May, 2013, , ISBN: 978-1-4673-6140-8, DOI: 10.1109/CSCS.2013.13, IEEE Publ.
L.D. Serbanati , A. Vasilateanu , B. Nita , Strengthening Context-Awareness of Virtual Species in Digital Ecosystems, in Procs of CSCS' 19, the 19th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, 29-31 May, 2013, , ISBN: 978-1-4673-6140-8, DOI: 10.1109/CSCS.2013.79, IEEE Publ.
B. Nita, L.D. Serbanati , Towards Context-Aware EHR-Based Healthcare Systems, in Procs. of SERVICE COMPUTATION 2012, The Fourth International Conferences on Advanced Service Computing, Nice, July 22-27, 2012.
C.N. Bodea , M.I. Dascalu , L.D. Serbanati , An Ontology-Alignment Based Recommendation Mechanism for Improving the Acquisition and Implementation of Managerial Training Services in Project Oriented Organizations, in Procs. of the IEEE 19th International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS), NoviSad, Serbia, 2012, pp:257-266, ISBN: 978-1-4673-0912-7, DOI: 10.1109/ECBS.2012.14, IEEE Publ.
A. Vasilateanu, L. D. Serbanati, M. Isaroiu, Integrating Clinical Information from a Personal Health Record into the Virtual Health Record ,, in Proc. HEALTHINF 2011, International Conference on Health Informatics, pp. 521 – 524, Rome, 25- 30 Sept. 2011.
A. Vasilateanu, L. D. Serbanati, E-Health Workflow-based Authorization using an Agent-oriented Virtual Health Care Record,, in Proc. ICAART 2011- 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence , pp. 439-442, Rome, 25- 30 Sept. 2011.
V. Rentea, F. Ricci, L. D. Serbanati, A. Vasilateanu, Supporting Adaptability in Agent-Based Digital Healthcare Ecosystems, in COGNITIVE 2011,The Third International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, Rome, 25- 30 Sept. 2011.
L.D. Serbanati, A. Vasilateanu, Multi-agent architecture for the Virtual Health Record , in White B.,Isaias P. and Andone D. (eds.) Proc.of the Conference on WWW/Internet, Timisoara, Romania, 14-17 October 2010, ISBN 978-972-8939-25-0, IADIS 2010.
M. Contenti, G. Mercurio, F. L. Ricci, L. D. Serbanati , LUMIR: A longitudinal EHR-S in the Basilicata region , in Procs. of 4th MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS “Information Society Research, Education, Policy and Practice in the Mediterranean Region”, MCIS 2009, Athens , Greece (http://www.mcis2009.org/).
L.D. Serbanati, B.M. Marculescu , A. Vasilateanu , R. Belet , C. Balasoiu, D. Zamfira , Supporting Continuity of Care with a Virtual Electronic Health Record, , in Procs. of the 9th International HL7 Interoperability Conference, Limenas Hersonissou, Crete, Greece, oct. 2008, 4 pag., (http://www.hl7.org.gr/ihic2008/9o_congress/ihic_2008.html).
G. Mercurio, A. Rossi Mori, F. L. Ricci, L. D. Serbanati, ebRIM profile for efficient network of federated registries and CDA repositories, , in Procs. of the 9th International HL7 Interoperability Conference, Limenas Hersonissou, Crete, Greece, oct. 2008, 4 pag., (http://www.hl7.org.gr/ihic2008/9o_congress/ihic_2008.html).
M. Contenti, G. Mercurio, F.L. Ricci, L.D. Serbanati, LuMiR: A Region-wide Virtual Healthcare Record., , in Procs. of the 9th International HL7 Interoperability Conference, Limenas Hersonissou, Crete, Greece, oct. 2008, 4 pag.
G. Mercurio, S. Maglio, A. Agrusti, G. De Nunzio, R. Cataldo, I. De Mitri, M. Favetta, A. Massafra, G. Marsella, D. Vergara, M. Maffia, A. Vasilateanu, L. D. Serbanati, Network P2P for Exploring and Visualization of Proteomic Data: Possibility of Handling Data and Analysing Them under Different Perspectives, , Proceedings of the International Conference on Biocomputation, Bioinformatics, and Biomedical Technologies, BIOTECHNO 2008, pp. 88-93, Bucharest 2008.
Bogdan C., Serbanati L. D., Shishmanian D., Understanding Concerns with Ontologies, , Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, Lisbon, 23-25 June 2008.
Bogdan C., Luzi D., Ricci F.L., Serbanati L.D., A Concern-Oriented and Ontology-Based Approach to Support Clinical Protocols Writing,
Proceedings of EMMIT 2007: 3th International Conference on Euro-Mediterranean Medical Informatics and Telemedicine, 3-5 mai, Mangalia, Romania, 2007, 10 pag.
Bogdan C., Serbanati L.D., A Concern-Oriented and Ontology-Based Approach to Constructing Facets of Information Systems, in Proceedings of ICSOFT 2007: 2nd International Conference of Software Engineering and Data Technologies, Barcelona, 22-25 iulie 2007, Barcelona, Spania, 4 pag.
Bogdan C., Serbanati L.D., Formal modeling of concurrent AOP programs, in Proceedings of International Conference of Computers, Communications and Control (ICCCC 2006), Baile Felix-Oradea, Romania, 1-3 iunie 2006, ISSN 1841-9836, 8 pag.
Bogdan C., Serbanati L.D., Toward a Concern-Oriented Analysis Method for Enterprise Information Systems, IEEE International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (ICCGI 2006), Bucuresti, Romania, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0–7695–2629–2, 2006, 6 pag.
Ricci, F. L., Serbanati, L. D., Palazzo, F., Luzi, D., Stirparo, G., DIMEM: an economic model to estimate the costs of e-Disease Management ,in MIE2006, Maastricht, Germany, 27-30 August, 2006.
- Luzi, D., Ricci, F. L., Serbanati, L. D., MobiDis: An economic model to compute the costs of a clinical guideline based on Telemedicine services , EMMIT 2006, 2 nd International Conference, Euro-Mediterranean Medical Informatics and Telemedicine, 26-28 Feb. 2006.
Popovici, D.M., Serbanati, L.D., Using mixed VR/AR technologies in education, International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (ICCGI 2006), Bucharest, Romania, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-2629-2.
Popovici, D.M., Serbanati, L.D., Virtual theater for children, Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC2006), Laval, France, 2006, pg. 203-209, ISBN: 2-951570-1-4.
Popovici, D.M., Querec, R., Harrouet,F., LeGal, Ch., Serbanati, L.D., S.Morvan, VirtualDive – A VR-Based Educational Virtual Environment, In Proceedings of SYNASC-2005, 7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing Timisoara, Romania, 2005, IEEE Computer Society, pg. 191-198, ISBN 0-7653-2453-2.
Popovici, D.M., Serbanati, L.D., Chevaillier, P., Tisseau, J., A Model-Driven Architecture for VR Agents, Proceedings of Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC2005), Laval, France, pg. 65-74, ISBN: 2-9515730-3-0.
- Serbanati, L.D., Ricci, F.L. , Luzi, D., Fazi, P., Collada Ali, L.C., Vignetti, M. Modelling medical research processes to set up a clinical trial management system, Proceedings of E-challanges 2005 "Innovation and the Knowledge Economy. Issues, Applications, Case studies, edited by P. Cunningham and M. Cunningham, Amsterdam IOS Press, 2005, pp. 904-911.
Collada Ali, L., Fazi, P., Luzi, D., Ricci, F.L., Serbanati, L. D., and M. Vignetti, Toward a Model of Clinical Trial, in Proceedings of Biological and Medical Data Analysis: 5th International Symposium, ISBMDA 2004, Barreiro, J. M., Martin-Sanchez, F., Maojo, V., et al. (Eds), Barcelona, Spain, November 18-19, 2004.
Popovici, D.M., Serbanati, L.D., Morvan,S., Virtual Aquarium, in National Conference on Virtual Learning (Conferinta Nationala de Invatamant Virtual, CNIV2004), Bucharest 2004, pg.167-174, ISBN 973-575-947-0, obtained the Creativity Prize, (in Romanian).
Popovici, D.M., Serbanati, L.D., and Gerval, J.P., Agent-Based Modeling of Virtual Environments, Proceedings of Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC2003), Laval, France - May 13-18, 2003, pg. 149-158, ISBN: 2-9515730-2-2.
Popovici, D.M., Serbanati, L.D., and Gerval, J.P., Virtual Perception Based Agents in Virtual Theater, Proc. of Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment (TIDSE2003), 24-26 april, Darmstadt, 2003, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, pg. 94-105, ISBN: 3-8167-6276-X.
Popovici, D.M., Serbanati, L.D., and Harrouet, F., The Virtual Environment – Another Approach, Eleventh International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2003 (WSCG'2003) Poster Proceedings, UNION Agency - Science Press, pg. 109-112, ISBN: 80-903100-2-8, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 3-7, 2003.
Popovici, D.M., and Gerval, J.P., Virtual Theater, Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC 2002), Laval, France, 2002.
Serbanati, L.D., Management of Object-Oriented Software Projects, Information Society Symposium, “Politehnica” Univ. Press, Bucharest, 2000.
Luzi, D., Ricci, F.L., and Serbanati, L. D., Integrating Clinical and Managerial Activities of Health Care Units, Tenth IEEE Symp. On Computer-Based Medical Systems, Maribor, IEEE Computer, 1997.
Grifoni, P., Luzi, D., Ricci, F.L., and Serbanati, L. D., Towards an information system architecture of healthcare units, ER'96, Berlin, Oct. 1996.
Bordin, C., Pisanelli, D.M., Ricci, F.L., and Serbanati, L. D., Object-Oriented Modeling of Guideline Protocol-Based Health Care Process, AIIM'96, Venice, 3-5 Oct., 1996 (in Italian).
Grifoni, P., Lalle, C., Luzi, D., Pisanelli, D.M., Ricci, F.L., and Serbanati, L. D., Modelling the Management of Protocols as the Kernel of a Health Care Information System, Eighth World Congress on Medical Informatics, MEDINFO ‘95, Vancouver, 1995.
Serbanati, L. D., A method for concept-oriented analysis, Ninth International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-9, May 1993, Vol. II, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1993.
Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., Sabin, M., Sabin, D., Porembschi, A., and Kovari, G., Software Process Specification Language,
The 7-th Romanian Symposium on Computer Science, ROSYCS-89, University "Al.I.Cuza", pp. 340-346, Iassy, 1989.
Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., Porembschi, A., Sabin, M., and Sabin, D., Integrating tools for software development, The National Symposium on Computers and Process Control, pp141-144, Timisoara, 1988.
Calin, S., Serbanati, L. D., and Cristea, V., Using Petri Nets for Modelling Electrical Drives Control, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Drives, 1988 (ICED'88). R. Magureanu, et al. (Eds.). Poiana Brasov, vol. 4, pp D1/11/1-13. Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania, 1988.
Serbanati, L. D., INTERFORM: A CAD System for Program Development, Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 9), 7-9 Sept., Monterey, Calif., 1987.
Serbanati, L. D., Integrated System for Software Development, The 7-th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-7, 27-30 May 1987, Vol. II, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1987(in Romanian).
Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., Porembschi, A., Sabin, M., and Sabin, D., Software Tools for Program Development, The 7-th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-7, 27-30 May 1987, Vol. II, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1987.
Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., Porembschi, A., Sabin, M., Sabin, D., Privache, A.,Syntax-Driven Data Processing,
The 6-th Romanian Symposium on Computer Science, ROSYCS-87, University "Al.I.Cuza", 9-10 Oct., pp. 217-332, Iassy, 1987.
Serbanati, L. D., Program Design as a Systematic Activity, Seventh Congress on Cybernetics and General Systems, 7-9 Sept., London, 1985.
Serbanati, L. D., Towards an Intelligent CAD/CAM system for program development, IFIP W.G. 5.2 Working Conference on Design Theory for CAD, 1-3 Oct., Tokyo, 1985.
Cristea, V., Serbanati, L. D., Soncodi, M., and Soncodi, A., A system for communication protocol validation, Sixth International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-5, 22-25 Mai 1985, Vol. III, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1985.
Serbanati, L. D. and Cristea, V., Method for Cooperation Verification in a Distributed Control System, The 5-th Romanian Symposium on Computer Science, ROSYCS-85, University "Al.I.Cuza", pp. 178-186, Iassy, 1985.
Serbanati, L. D., Compiler Computer Aided Design System, Fifth International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-5, 8-11 June 1983, Vol. III, Pp. 172-180, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1983 (in Romanian).
Stanescu, A. M., Banu, G. V., Vlad, V. I., Borangiu, T., and Serbanati, L. D., Architecture, control, and software of modular robot system with pneumatic stepping motors and vision, First Congress of Industrial Robots, Paris, June 1982.
Serbanati, L. D., A Model of Program Design, Fourth International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-4, 17-20 June 1981, Vol. III, pp. 290-295, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1981 (in Romanian).
Serbanati, L. D., A Conversational ALGOL-60 Compiler, Fourth International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-4, 17-20 June 1981, Vol. III, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1981 (in Romanian).
Serbanati, L. D., Program Design and Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania, 1981(in Romanian).
Moldoveanu, F., Serbanati, L.D., Cristea, V., Tufis, I., Tufis, D., and Chirita, D., A system for test data generation, Third International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-3, 14-16 June 1979, Vol. I, pp. 1184-1195, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1979.
Unreferred Conference and Workshop Published Papers
Framework for Program Development Technology, L. D. Serbanati, I. Trandafir, and V. Cristea. INFOTEC 88, vol. I, p.462, Bucharest, 1988 (in Romanian).
Graphical Editor for Petri Nets, L. D. Serbanati, V. Cristea, and C. Popescu. INFOTEC 88, vol. III, p.462, Bucharest, 1988 (in Romanian).
Integrating Software Tools in a Software Environment, L. D. Serbanati, V. Cristea, A. Porembschi, M. Sabin, and D. Sabin. INFOTEC’88, vol. I, p. 465, Bucuresti, 1988 (in Romanian).
Aspects of Program Testing Automation, L. D. Serbanati, F. Moldoveanu, and V. Cristea. Informatics for management. Progress in Romanian Informatics, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1980 (in Romanian).
An Interactive Symbolic Execution System, L. D. Serbanati, V. Cristea, F. Moldoveanu, D. Tufis, I. Tufis, D. Chirita. “”, Third International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-3, 14-16 June 1979, Vol. I, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1979
Towards a program testing methodology, L. D. Serbanati, F. Moldoveanu, and V. Cristea. Third International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-3, 14-16 June 1979, Vol. I, pp. 1172-1183, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1979.
Aspects of Real-Time Programming Languages Implementation, I. Athanasiu, E. Kalisz, F. Moldoveanu, M. Necula, V. Cristea, C. Giumale, V. Iorga, and L. D. Serbanati. Fourth Symposium of Informatics, Cluj-Napoca, May, 1978 (in Romanian).
A New Program in the National Program Library: the BCPL Compiler for FELIX C-256, M. Necula, L. D. Serbanati, M. Cosma, C. Popescu. Fourth Symposium of Informatics, Cluj-Napoca, May, 1978 (in Romanian).
Conversational ALGOL-60 Syntactical Analyzer for FELIX C-256, L. D. Serbanati, V. Breazu, and C. Mancas. Actual Problems in Informatics and Management, pp. 231-236, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1977 (in Romanian).
Assessment Criteria for Real-Time Programming Languages, I. Athanasiu, E. Kalisz, F. Moldoveanu, M. Necula, V. Cristea, C. Giumale, V. Iorga, and L. D. Serbanati. Actual Problems in Informatics and Management, pp. 244-250, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1977 (in Romanian).
Information Systems in Hospitals. Pre-coded Medical Folder, C. Havriliuc, L. D. Serbanati, et al. Actual Problems in Informatics and Management, pp. 244-250, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1977 (in Romanian).
Method for memory management in a multi-access system for SIRIS-2. Algorithms and Withdrawal, L. D. Serbanati, M. Necula, F. Moldoveanu, V. Breazu, C. Mancas. Second Session of the Symposium Control and Information Systems in Industry, SAII-2, June 1977, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1977 (in Romanian).
Interactive System for Syntactical Analyzers Generation, L.D.Serbanati, V. Breazu, C.Mancas, and V. Nereantiu. Second Session of the Symposium Control and Information Systems in Industry, SAII-2, June 1977, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1977 (in Romanian).
Design Requirements for a Real-Time Programming Language, I. Athanasiu, E. Kalisz, F. Moldoveanu, M. Necula, V. Cristea, C. Giumale, V. Iorga, and L. D. Serbanati. Second Session of the Symposium Control and Information Systems in Industry, SAII-2, June 1977, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1977 (in Romanian).
Using BCPL for Compiler Implementation, I. Athanasiu, M. Necula, and L. D. Serbanati. First Session of the Symposium Control and Information Systems in Industry, SAII-1, June 1975, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1975 (in Romanian).