Luca Dan Serbanati
     Software Methodologies
     Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages.
     Master Program in Software Engineering
     English Stream. First year. Spring semester
     Laboratory: Lect. Dr. Eng. Iuliana Marin  
Email:    URL: Personal website
General Information:
Course syllabus

Course: 2h/week
Lab/project work: 1h/week = 2h/2weeks
Credit points: 5

Laboratory and Project:
s.l. Iuliana Marin

"Formal Models in Software Engineering", "Programming Paradigms" and "Principles of Software Engineering" courses

Grading and workload
Our grade in the course will be earned / calculated as follows:
- Homework and frequency(c/l/p) 20%+10%
- Project 20%
- Final exam 50%
Homeworks will be given roughly every week or two, and will each consist of a small number of problems. For the final project, you can pick any topic you want for further study. Your project has to involve implementing an application with the methods presented at the course. In all cases, the end product will be a written report and a software delivery. Grades may also be adjusted upward slightly based on regular, positive contributions to class discussions.
Project Policy.
1.The projects cover the whole life cycle of software products development: analysis, design, and coding. The result of the project is a real software product.
2.The course lectures and homeworks provide necessary guidance for project realization.
2.Project submissions must not include external materials (e.g., web downloads).
3. The project must be turned in on the due date. Late projects are not accepted for any reason and will receive a zero mark.
4.The project is an individual research work.
5. The projects will require substantial time commitment. We strongly recommend that students begin working on assignments early.
5. Admission to final examination for only projects that are evaluated with at least 5 .

Guidelines to Projects
1. At the beginning of the semester a list of project topics is made available at the web. Each student reports his/her preferred choice for a topic and the list of their submissions will be published in early March.
2. Throughout the semester, students will be responsible for development of a project.
3. The project report is submitted in May. On the profs' request the student may rewrite the report in late May.
4. In the last two weeks of the semester the students are to give a 15 minutes presentation of the project. The presentation is a separate requirement for passing the exam in this subject and part of the grading of the project work.
We expect that effort spent will help the student to gain a thorough understanding of software project development.

Examination Policy
The comprehensive exam consists of a written answer to a quiz and a closed-book, two hours test consisting in analysis, design and implementation of a small application.

Lecture notes: Please, look at the course notes published in the Lecture Schedule column of this page


The Software Process
1. R.S.Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 6/e, McGraw-Hill, 2004.
2. L.D.Serbanati, Integrating Tools for Software Development, Yourdon Press Computing Series, Prentice Hall, 1992.

Object Oriented Methodologies
3. M. Fowler, UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language, 3/e, Addison-Wesley, 2003.
4. C. Larman, Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development, 3/e, Prentice Hall, 2004.

Very important!!!
How working at homework and project packages
All students are warmly invited to attend the course lectures and read the lecture notes because working homework assignments requires knowledge only covered by the course. The lab will never replace the course lectures or resume the knowledge transmitted during the course lectures. It is used to:
-verify current homework solving,
-correct errors or defaults in homeworks, and propose alternative or better ways to solve the problem,
-verify and evaluate students’ knowledge of specific facts or concepts with focused questions, and
-validate delivery of current workpackage of the assigned project.

Schedule of the Laboratory Topics and Homework
The lab assignments will require knowledge of materials covered by the course lectures and will follow the phased development of a case study project. Here is the case study project description.
A link to the homework assignment and the corresponding topic will be released for each 4 hour-laboratory session.
Lab.# Week
Homework Link & Topic
Lab #1
Mon, 20 Mar
Systems Engineering Methodology
Homework #1
Lab #2
Mon, 27 Mar
Enterprise-Wide Information System Methodologies
Homework #2:
Homework #2bis:
A BPMN Tutorial
Drawio, a CASE tool to be used for BPMN diagram:
Lab #3
Mon, 3 Apr

Introduction to Software Engineering
Homework #3
Mini-Project Work
List of project topics
Mini-Project Name
# 1
P1 E_Camp
# 2
P2 E-PhD
# 3
P3 E-AsthmaController
# 4
# 5
P5 Finanacial assistance
# 6
# 7
# 8
P8 Zoo Management
Mini-Project Schedule
Work Package
Lab #3
Mon, 3 Apr

WP1: Systems Engineering Methodology
Lab #4

WP2: Enterprise Wide Methodology

Lecture Schedule
Date/Time Lesson Topic/Room 
Mon, 27 Feb
16h - 20h
Part I. Systems Engineering Methodologies
- Introduction to Systems Engineering
- From System Requirements to System Architecture
Lecture Notes. Part 1
Mon, 6 Mar
16h - 20h
Part II. Enterprise-wide Methodologies
- Enterprise Engineering
- Information Engineering
- Business Engineering
Mon,13 Mar
16h - 20h
- Models in Business Engineering
- Activity diagrams
- BPMN diagrams
Lecture Notes. Part 2
Mon, 27 Mar
16h - 20h
Part III. Introduction to Software Engineering -Software Engineering
-Software Process Models
Lecture Notes. Part 3
Mon, 10 Apr
16h - 20h
Part IV. Structured Software Methodology
- Structured life cycle model
- Tools for the Structured Methodology
- Structured Analysis
Mon, 24 Apr
16h - 20h
- Structured Design
Lecture Notes. Part 4
Part V. Object-Oriented Methodology
- Object orientation
Mon, 8 May
16h - 20h
- The Unified Process
- Requirements Analysis
- Domain Analysis

Exam Date Time/Room
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