Luca Dan Serbanati
     Software Development Methods
     Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages. Computer Science Courses
     English Stream. Fourth year. Fall 2007 
Email:    URL: Personal website
General Information:
Course syllabus

Course: 3h/week
Lab work: 2h/week = 4h/2weeks
Project: 1h/week = 2h/2weeks
Credit points: 5

Teaching Assistant:
Crenguta Bogdan,

"Data Structure and Algorithms" course

Grading and workload
Our grade in the course will be earned / calculated as follows:
- Homework and frequency(c/l/p) 20%
- Project 40%
- Final exam 40%

Project Policy.
1.Project submissions must not include external materials (e.g., web downloads).
2. The project must be turned in on the due date. Late projects are not accepted for any reason and will receive a zero mark.
3.The project is an individual research work.
4. The projects will require substantial time commitment. We strongly recommend that students begin working on assignments early.

Guidelines to Projects
1. At the 1st October a list of project topics is made available at the web. Each student reports his/her preferred choice for a topic and the list of their submissions will be published in late October.
2. Throughout the semester, students will be responsible for development of a project.
3. The project report is submitted in late December (before Christmas period). On the prof's request the student may rewrite the report in early January.
4. In middle January (the last two weeks of the semester) the students are to give a 15 minutes presentation of the project. The presentation is a separate requirement for passing the exam in this subject and part of the grading of the project work.
We expect that effort spent will help the student to gain a thorough understanding of software project development.

Examination Policy
The comprehensive exam consists of a written answer to a quiz and a closed-book test consisting in analysis and design of a small application.

Lecture notes: not available


The Software Process
1. R.S.Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 6/e, McGraw-Hill, 2004.
2. L.D.Serbanati, Integrating Tools for Software Development, Yourdon Press Computing Series, Prentice Hall, 1992.

Object Oriented Methods
3. M. Fowler, UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language, 3/e, Addison-Wesley, 2003.
4. C. Larman, Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development, 3/e, Prentice Hall, 2004.

Schedule of Laboratory Topics and Homework
The lab assignments will require knowledge of materials covered by the course lectures and will follow the phased development of a case study project. Here is the case study project description.
A link to the homework assignment and the corresponding topic will be released for each 4 hour-laboratory session.
Lab.# Week
Homework Link & Topic
# 1
5 Oct.
8h-10h JA001
Case study

Projects presentation
12 oct.
8h-12h JA001
Guidelines L1  pdf html
Business Analysis and Modelling

(Deliv: Business Model)
Software Requirements Analysis
(Deliv: Use Case Model and Activity Diagrams)
#4+#5 8h-12h
15 Nov JA001
Guidelines L2  pdf html
Software Requirements Analysis (Deliv: Domain Model, System Sequence Diagram & System Operation Contracts)   Guidelines L3
From Requirements To Design (Deliv.: Design Model i.e. Design Class Diagrams & Interaction Diagrams )
#6+#7 8h-12h
22 Nov JA001
Guidelines L4.
From Requirements To Design (Deliv.: Statechart Diagrams)
Guidelines L5.
Architecture. Refining the Models (Deliv.: Package Diagrams)
30 Nov.
Closed the last call for the project topic election.
The student without project assignment this semester could exceptionally join the 3rd year SDM course in the spring semester. Of course, they can not participate this semester at the final examination
14 Dec.
Deadline for homeworks delivery by e-mail  
21 Dec.
Deadline for project delivery by e-mail  

15-16 Jan.
Project Defense
The groups for project defense are scheduled here
For project defence all projects will be accurately printed, and contain a cover and a table of contents identical with that recommended in this site
19 Jan Partial results
Here is the situation of homeworks and lab activity.
Project Work

Here is the contents table for project deliverables.

List of project topics
Project Statement
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
# 6
# 7
# 8
# 9
# 10
Here are the elected topics.
Here is the situation of on-going projects at the 25th December 2007.

Project Schedule
Project Task
26 Oct.

Step 1: Final Problem Definition should be sent at
9 Nov.

Step 2: Business Model, Context Diagram, Business Use Case Model, and Domain Model should be sent at
23 Nov.

Step 3: Analysis Model i.e. Use Case Model, Class Diagram, Package Diagram, System Sequence Diagram System Operation Contracts should be sent at
30 Nov.

Step 4: Design Model i.e. Design Class Diagrams & Interaction Diagrams, Statecharts should be sent at
23 Dec.

Last Step : The project should be sent at

Provisional schedule of lectures
Lesson Topic 
Mon 1 Oct. 8h - 11h
Introduction to System Engineering.
Systems. Information Systems. Business Systems. Software Systems. Separation of Concerns
Criteria for Partitioning Complex Systems
Tue 2 Oct.
14h - 16h
Introduction to Software Engineering. The Software Process (SP). SP Life Cycle Models. Workflows in SP. UP Model
Thu 4 Oct.
17h - 20h
Introduction to Object Orientation. Concepts, Classes & Objects, Relationships, Class Diagrams
Sat 6 Oct
11h - 14h
Business Model. Business Components. Business Cases. Activity Diagrams
Tue 9 Oct
14h - 16h
Functional Model. Requirements Analysis. Context Diagram. Use Cases. System Sequence Diagram
Thu 11 Oct
16h - 20h
Structural Model. Domain and Application Models. Class Identification. Relationship Identification
Fri 12Oct
17h - 20h
Analysis Models.
UP Analysis Deliverables: Vision, Glossary, Functional and Non-functional Requirements
Sat 13Oct.
11h - 14h
Functional Model. Operation Contracts. Analysis to Design. System Sequence Diagram

Mon, 12 Nov. 16h -20h

Software Architectures. Architecture styles. Layered Architecture. UML Package Diagram.
Design Models. Responsibilities and Collaborations. CRC Cards.
Tue 13Nov
14h - 16h )
Design Models. From Requirements to Design: Sequence Diagram
Thu 15Nov
16h - 20h
Design Models. From Requirements to Design:Communication Diagram. Patterns for Assignment of Responsibilities
Sat 17Nov
9h - 13h
Design Model. Interaction Diagram. Guidelines for Assignment of Responsabilities
Mon 19Nov 16h -20h
Object Life-Cycle. Statechart Diagram
Tue 20Nov
14h - 16h
Component Models.
Component Diagram.
Thu 22 Nov
16h - 20h
Design Patterns.

1. A student unable to present her/his identification document is not accepted for examinations.
2. Any new or modified project document has to be sent here for evaluation before the 23th August. No project evaluation is possible after the 22th August.
3. . In order to allow the scheduling of examination groups all students who want to partecipate in September at exam re-doing have to indicate by e-mail their preference (only one of the following two dates):
Exam Date Time/Room
25 August

Year IV
Here are the final results
1 September

Year IV
Here are the final results
Visits from 04 January 2005: 358051 Last update: 13 January 2008