     Luca Dan Serbanati
     Web Application Development
     Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages. Computer Science Courses
     English Stream. Fourth year. Spring 2008 
     Laboratory&Project: Assist. Prof. Vlad Posea
Email: luca@serbanati.com    URL: Personal website
General Information:
Course syllabus
Laboratory Topics

Course: 2h/week
Lab work: 1h/week = 2h/2weeks
Project: 1h/week = 2h/2weeks
Credit points: 5

Teaching Assistant:

"Software Development Methods" and "Communications and Networking" courses

Grading and workload
Our grade in the course will be earned / calculated as follows:
- Project +Homework 60%
- Final exam 40%

The comprehensive exam consists of a written answer to a quiz and a closed-book test consisting in developing a small application.

Lecture notes: not available

Standards, Tutorials, Textbooks

Web Programming: Client-Side
1. http://www.w3.org/Protocols
2. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt
3. www.w3schools.com/html/
4. www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp

Web Programming: Server-Side
6. http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/
8. http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/ docs/ tutorial/doc/index.html
9. http://www.servlets.com/
10. http://www.theserverside.com/
11. http://www.coreservlets.com/

Schedule of Laboratory Topics and Homework
The lab assignments will require knowledge of materials covered by the course lectures.
Homework assignment and its corresponding topic for each 2 hour- laboratory session topic will be released in this page.
Being a student self-managed laboratory the students are invited to consider exercises first as a homework. Then they are asked to defend their solutions against their colegues in group. Those who better know the laboratory topic should act as tutors for their colegues.
Lab.# Week
Topic & Homework Link
Lab. 1
3 March
HTML Programming
Lab. 2 EG306
17 March
HTML and JavaScript Programming
Lab. 3 EG306
31 March
Web Programming with Servlet and the JDBC API
Lab. 4
14 April
Cookies and Session Tracking
Lab. 5
6 May.
Programming with servlet and jsp. Custom Tags. MVC Model 2.
Lab. 6
20 May.
Web Service Programming
Lab. 7
2 June.
Project Delivery
Here are the partial results

Project Work
Throughout the semester, students will be responsible for development of a project. The projects will require substantial time commitment. We expect that effort spent will help the student to gain a thorough understanding of web application development.
Project Guidelines
1. Students are invited to choose the same project application they developed in the fall semester at SDM and develop a problem statement for it as a web application. If the project topic is not adapted for web, choose your project topic from the right column of the following table not later than 2008, March 3.
Project Statement
P1. Virtual Shop
P2. Promotional Offer Management
P3. User Registration and Authorization
P4. Comment Management
P5. Shopping Cart
P6. Order and Payment Management
P7. Stock Management

2. The proposal should describe the main use cases for navigation in your site. Take into account to include in your proposal some additional pages in order to create realistic scenarios in the whole context of the project statement. Submit your proposal for approval as soon as possible.
3. Develop your site having in mind the Model 2 architecture. Use a Tomcat Web server installed in your computer for tests.
4. Document your project with UML diagrams where possible.
5. Move your site in a hosting machine with IP address.
6. Deliver the project documentation. 7.Defense your project.

Project Policy.
1.Project submissions must not include external materials (e.g., web downloads).
2. The project must be turned in on the due date. Late projects are not accepted for any reason and will receive a zero mark. We strongly recommend that students begin working on assignments early.

Schedule of lectures
Lesson Topic 
Sat, 1 Mar
11h - 14h
Introduction to Distributed Computing
Web Client-Side Programming
. The HTTP protocol.
Thu, 6 Mar
8h - 10h
Web Client-Side Programming. Introduction to HTML.
Fri, 7 Mar
8h - 10h
Web Client-Side Programming. JavaScript.
Sat, 8 Mar
8h - 11h
Web Client-Side Programming. Introduction to DHTML
Mon, 10 Mar
8h - 12h
Web Server - Side Programming. Programming with Servlets.
Thu, 13 Mar
8h - 10h
Web Server - Side Programming. Programming with Servlets..
Sat, 15 Mar
8h - 11h

Web Server - Side Programming. Programming with Java Server Pages.
Sat, 19 Apr
8h - 11h
Web Server - Side Programming. Tag Libraries. Model 2 Architecture
Tue, 13 May
16h - 20h
Semantic Web. Web Service Standards: XML, SOAP, WSDL
Sat, 17 May
9h - 13h
Web Services. Web Service Programming

1. A student unable to present her/his identification document is not accepted for examinations.
2. Any new or modified project document has to be evaluated before the exam date. No project evaluation is possible during or after the exam date. For appointment, contact here.
3. In order to allow the scheduling of examination groups all students who want to partecipate in September at exam re-doing have to indicate by e-mail their preference (only one of the following two dates):
Exam Date Time/Room
8 May 2009
  Exam Re-doing
9 May 2009 9.00h-11.30h
Exam Re-doing

Visits from 04 January 2005: 370346 Last update: 1 March 2008